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Jinan Yongtuo Chemicals Co., Ltd

All Products >> conveyor belts

Showing 1 - 5 of 5, total 1 pages        [First] [Previous] [Next] [Last]

spiral grid belt
spiral grid belt
Specification: YT belt-5
Detail: The wire mesh fabric is made by imported digital mesh weaving machine and the faric is made of spring wire and is distortion-resistant. The belt has very good turning capabilities and can go 180 curves. With smooth belt surfac...

plat belt
plat belt
Specification: YT belt-4
Detail: Plate belt is a very robust belt which is made of stainless steel and driven by sprockets. Perfect for conveying small products, smooth running, easy to maintain, durable, constructed of plates on hingers linked together by me...

flat flex belt
flat flex belt
Specification: YT belt-3
Detail: Flat flex belt are used in many industris. The belt have a light weight single layer construction and are positively driven by sprockets. The belts have an open structure (70-85% open) and are frequently used in cooling, bakin...

eye link belt
eye link belt
Specification: YT belt-2
Detail: Eye link belt are composed from eye links put on cross rods. It is impossible for a product to form a deposit in "hollow ***ces' in the belt, which are difficult to reach. The weight of the belt can be kept relatively low. Pro...

chain driven belt
chain driven belt
Specification: YT belt-1
Detail: Chain driven belts are driven with a cross rod which connects the chain strands by either passing through or under the wire mesh fabric. the density of wire mesh fabric is chosen according to size of the product conveyed on th...
Showing 1 - 5 of 5, total 1 pages        [First] [Previous] [Next] [Last]

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